Hydrogen Regions





HyExpert - Düren district

For years, the district has been on the way to becoming a model region that focuses on the future topic of hydrogen. The district of Düren is positioning itself on many levels and is constantly…

Hydrogen Competence Region Düsseldorf.Rhine.Wupper

The region between Duisburg, Düsseldorf, the Rhein-Kreis Neuss, Wuppertal and the Mettmann district already combines numerous competencies for future hydrogen mobility. The idea behind the…

H2R - Hydrogen Rhineland

The H2R - Hydrogen Rhineland initiative stands for a livable, sustainable and economically strong region. We want to pool the region's hydrogen expertise and provide new impetus for an energy and…

Emscher Lippe region

As part of HyExperts, the region is developing an integrated overall concept for the use of hydrogen in mobility and logistics. The region is a pioneer in hydrogen production and processing. It is…

HyStarter - Soest district

"HyLand - Hydrogen Regions in Germany" is a competition announced in 2019 by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) and is already in its second round. HyLand…

HyDrive OWL

Die Stadt Bielefeld sowie die Kreise Lippe und Minden-Lübbecke konnten mit ihrer Projektskizze für einen grüneren Mobilitätssektor im Bundeswettbewerb “HyLand – Wasserstoffregionen in Deutschland”…

EgoH2 Ecosystem

The aim of the project is to reduce CO2, particle and nitrogen oxide emissions by creating a feasibility study for an H2 ecosystem for emission-free and sustainable mobility in urban areas using…

HyExpert - City of Hagen

"HyLand - Hydrogen Regions in Germany" is a competition announced in 2019 by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI) and is already in its second round. HyLand…


The core idea is to use electrolysis to generate 100% green hydrogen using electricity - mainly from community wind turbines, for which the EEG remuneration will end after 20 years (post-EEG…