Innovation Project

H2Giga_QT3.1_ ReNaRe

Recycling ' Sustainable use of resources

Hydrogen production

In addition to the development and optimisation of electrolysers, the BMBF also supports the recycling of disused electrolysers as part of a holistic approach. These contain valuable platinum metals, various nickel, titanium and iron alloys, which the EU has categorised as critical materials. The Institute for Metallurgical Process Technology and Metal Recycling at RWTH is working with twelve partners in the ReNaRe (Recycling Sustainable Resource Use) network coordinated by TU Bergakademie Freiberg on the resource-saving recovery of the metals. In addition, the RWTH Institute supports the partners in the network by providing metallurgical advice and analytical process evaluation to enable a holistic, ecological and economic assessment of metal recycling.

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Project details

Project responsibility

Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen Fak. 5 Lehrstuhl für Metallurgische Prozesstechnik und Metallrecycling und Institut für Metallhüttenwesen und Elektrometallurgie


01.04.2021 bis 01.03.2025

Funding amount

1.153.026,00 €

Funded by

German Federal Government