Innovation Project
GET H2 ' Infrastructural - and operational aspects of the conversion of natural gas transport pipelines to hydrogen operation and the construction of new hydrogen networks
Infrastructure project
In the future, a large part of the hydrogen transport will take place via gas pipelines. For example, hydrogen can be transported in former natural gas pipelines. At least in theory. In practice, its use has not yet been sufficiently researched. In addition, norms, safety regulations and monitoring standards are lacking. That is why the TransHyDE project Get-H2 is building a test and demonstration environment around an experimental pipeline.
The special feature: The test field is testing both the conversion of natural gas transport pipelines to hydrogen operation and the construction of new hydrogen pipelines. The project partners are thus answering material questions and carrying out safety and monitoring tests. The aim is to find out under what conditions and with what effort already existing pipelines can be used for hydrogen transport. Similar questions apply to the new construction of pure hydrogen pipelines.
Project details
Project responsibility
RWE Generation SE
01.04.2021 bis 01.03.2025
Funding amount
2.834.318,00 €Funded by
German Federal Government