Innovation Project
Concept study for the preparation of a demonstration plant for the production of climate-friendly synthetic friction materials in NRW
Hydrogen production
Together with the partners BP Europa SE, RWE Power and RWE Renewables, the basic feasibility of a demonstration plant in the Rhineland lignite mining area for the production of regenerated synthetic raw fuels based on sewage sludge (and possibly other biomass) and regenerated H2 as well as their further processing and use in the Ruhr area is being investigated. The approach aims to demonstrate the development and utilization of biogenic CO2 for the production of climate-neutral fuels and to use the biomass sewage sludge. The potential of the demonstrated technique should be exploited as a blueprint for intelligently applied sector coupling across the borders of North Rhine-Westphalia and for the strengthening of the regional regions.
Project details
Project responsibility
Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, IEK-14
01.06.2021 bis 01.01.2022
Funding amount
183.796,36 €Funded by
State of North Rhine-Westphalia