Overview of H2 cards

The following is an overview of maps and tools comparable to H2.Land NRW that provide information on hydrogen projects or infrastructure for a specific region.

The maps are sorted according to Europe-wide, Germany-wide and state-specific/regional maps.

Please note that the offers differ in terms of, among other things, the type and timeliness of the information presented and the criteria according to which projects are selected. No liability is assumed for the content presented and linked.

Europe-wide maps

  • H2 Infrastructure Map Europe
    (English) The interactive map includes hydrogen infrastructure projects and shows the development of projects up to 2050. The projects are split into 6 categories including transmission pipelines, distribution pipelines, terminals and ports, storages, as well as demand and production projects.
  • H2.LIVE
    Hydrogen filling stations in Germany & Europe Every 2 minutes, live information is drawn from hydrogen stations across Europe, where hydrogen can be refueled publicly and with 350 and/or 700 bar. Additional details are listed for each station, including address, operator, opening times and usually also contact options.

Germany-wide maps

  • Hydrogen Atlas
    The aim of the map is to make research data on the potential and existence of hydrogen and Power-to-X in Germany and the ramp-up of the hydrogen economy publicly accessible in the Hydrogen Atlas.
  • Map - H2 Digital
    The platform is specifically designed to support the market ramp-up along the goals of the European Hydrogen Backbone. By bringing together actors from the entire hydrogen value chain, a connected and collaborative environment is created.
  • H2: H2 campaign
    Municipal companies demonstrate their performance in the use of hydrogen locally and in the region with concrete practical examples. They are committed to producing hydrogen and testing a variety of decentralized hydrogen uses for industry, commercial and heating customers.
  • DVGW e.V.: Interactive Power to Gas map
    For information about ongoing and planned power-to-gas plants in Germany. It can be filtered by status, region, size and technology used.
  • Publication detail view - German Energy Agency (dena)
    The map depicts the hydrogen project landscape in Germany and thus provides an overview of the market ramp-up and progress in the implementation of the National Hydrogen Strategy.

Maps for federal states/regions

  • Northern Germany: North German Hydrogen Map IHK Nord
    The federal states in the north jointly adopted the North German Hydrogen Strategy in 2019 and many projects, initiatives and companies are already working on the development of a practical technology - also across federal states. These projects in the north have been compiled in this overview.
  • Northern Germany: North German Hydrogen Strategy
    The North German Hydrogen Strategy envisages hydrogen hubs as starting points for building a hydrogen economy in Northern Germany. These hubs bring together the production, distribution and use of hydrogen in one place, e.g. in mobility and industry.
  • Baden-Württemberg: Platform H2BW map of the actors in the hydrogen economy | H2BW
    platform The map shows the hydrogen players across sectors and along the entire value chain. These include companies, research institutions, municipalities as well as various regional initiatives and projects that contribute to the development of a hydrogen economy in Baden-Württemberg.
  • Bavaria: Map | Hydrogen Center.Bavaria
    The Bavarian Hydrogen Alliance is a common networking and knowledge platform for 366 hydrogen players from business, science and politics. The alliance is coordinated by the Hydrogen.Bayern Center (H2.B). The map shows all partners in the Bavarian Hydrogen Alliance and the HyLand regions in Bavaria.
  • Berlin/Brandenburg: Hydrogen Marketplace Brandenburg and Berlin | Localizer
    Do you want to look for hydrogen producers and consumers in the capital region and plan the infrastructure of tomorrow completely digitally? The hydrogen marketplace enables the data-supported, geo-referenced representation of hydrogen locations in the capital region, thus making hydrogen requirements and hydrogen production visible.
  • Hamburg: Project Map - Hydrogen Hamburg | EEHH
    The region has a high density of hydrogen projects, backed by a large number of individual companies and institutions as well as company consortia. They represent the entire hydrogen value chain, from production, distribution and transport to application. Many projects are in the planning or implementation phase, others have been in operation for many years. New projects will continue to be added, so the website will be continually expanded.
  • Hesse: Interactive Hesse map hydrogen and fuel cells / LEA - State Energy Agency
    The map provides an initial overview of the local actors from the areas of science and business, the existing gas stations and example projects. The links provide you with information and direct contact with contact persons from the institutions and projects.
  • Lower Saxony: Mapbender - Hydrogen Projects
    On the map you can see what projects already exist in your region and, if necessary, get involved there. In addition, the map also offers a better overview of potential settlements - for example, where pipelines will run and where hydrogen sources and sinks will arise. Many research projects are also listed on the map.
  • North Rhine-Westphalia: Home: Hydrogen Map NRW
    The aim of the map is to provide an overview of the numerous projects, initiatives and institutions related to the topic of hydrogen.
  • Saxony: Hydrogen Land Saxony
    The overview portal provides a comprehensive overview of the various hydrogen stakeholders, including users, suppliers, system manufacturers and many other relevant stakeholders. All relevant organizations are listed with a profile in a geographical map and a competency representation.
  • Saxony-Anhalt: Hydrogen in Saxony-Anhalt Energy Atlas
    The map shows hydrogen supply locations, research institutions and experts related to hydrogen. The CO₂ point sources represent possible locations for the further processing of hydrogen with separated carbon dioxide into secondary products.
  • Schleswig-Holstein: Hydrogen Paper - WTSH Hydrogen
    In addition to infrastructure, hydrogen projects are primarily shown here in their various project phases: in development, in the construction phase and in operation. The aim is to increase transparency in the development of the hydrogen economy in order to facilitate synergy effects and cooperation with other players in the industry.