Innovation Project

Joint project: HyNRGCube; Sub-project: Development, implementation and testing of a stationary hydrogen fuel cell system

HyNRGCube - Hy-Energy-Cube for commercial and industrial applications based on a passenger car fuel cell; Sub-project: Development, implementation and testing of a stationary hydrogen fuel cell system based on an automotive fuel cell stack

Industrial Application

In our future energy system, green water plays a central role in the storage of renewable energies and the substitution of fossil energy sources. Green hydropower will be an energy source with a derived availability, and highly efficient solutions must be used for its reconversion to electricity. For the overall operation, economically viable investment and operating costs must be achieved. Fuel cells fulfill the efficiency requirements very well, but have not yet been able to achieve the required cost targets. Technically sophisticated fuel cell modules from Honda are now available. The fuel cell module based on the Honda Clarity platform with an output of 80 kW is characterized by a high electrical efficiency of >58% and a lifetime of 15,000 h (reference cycle). The module is operated in the HyNRGCube with a nominal output of 60 kW and reduced dynamics. A significantly longer service life is therefore expected. Based on this module, the development of the HYNRGCube for stationary and flexible energy supply systems in multiple power levels is made possible. The boundary conditions that differ from those of automotive applications, such as the H2 infrastructure, raise questions and uncertainties that are being resolved within the HYNRGCube project.

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Project details

Project responsibility

H2 Powercell GmbH


01.07.2024 bis 30.06.2027

Funding amount

446,950.66 €

Funded by