Innovation Project
Joint project: FlexLadleHeat ; Subproject: Numerical and experimental investigations on the support
FlexLadleHeat - Flexible Use of Hydrogen and Ammonia in Ladle Fires in the Steel Industry to Reduce CO2 Emissions? Subproject: Numerical and experimental investigations to support
Industrial Application
The aim of the FlexLadleHeat project is to develop a fuel-flexible oxyfuel ladle fire system for preheating and drying ladles in the steel industry. The ladle fire system should be able to be operated with mixtures of fuel-based fuels and ammonia, as well as with natural gas, and thus contribute to a direct reduction of CO2 emissions in the steel industry. In addition to the use of hydrogen-based fuels, emissions are reduced through efficiency-enhancing measures. The development process is supported by fundamental investigations into the effects of flexible fuel composition on the process. Here they include the construction of numerical combustion and process simulations, which should lead to a deeper understanding of the effects of the combustion process and the heat transfer mechanisms in the pan. The results of the development work will be tested in an industrial environment at the Badische Stahlwerke (BSW) site and finally evaluated.
Project details
Project responsibility
Institute for Industrial Furnace Construction and Thermal Engineering
01.06.2024 bis 31.05.2027
Funding amount
906,777.84 €Funded by