Innovation Project

4FH2Max (sub-project laboratory experiments)

Optimization of existing combustion systems for safe operation with hydrogen content >50%

Industrial Application

In stationary gas turbines, the transition to CO2-free energy generation can be made in steps. Here, the fuel composition is successively shifted from pure natural gas towards hydrogen. The burners in stationary gas turbines are particularly low-emission premix burners and are heavily optimized for the combustion properties of natural gas. Since the combustion characteristics of hydrogen and natural gas differ greatly, the mixing of hydrogen and fuel places high requirements on the fuel flexibility of the premix burner. In particular, the position of the heat release zone relative to the burner outlet changes with the increasing proportion of hydrogen. This influence is to be characterized on a scaled but nevertheless application-oriented burner under realistic operating conditions using laser optical measurement methods.

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Project details

Project responsibility

German Aerospace Center - Institute of Propulsion Technology


01.10.2022 bis 30.09.2026

Funding amount

973.719,74 €

Funded by

Federal Government